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Plassys MEB 550 is a fully automated ultra high vacuum evaporator dedicated to evaporation of aluminium at low pressure.
Available material is aluminium.
A load lock significantly reduces process time. The load lock has an ion gun for etching and can do post evaporation oxidation as well as pre evaporation bake out of the sample. An UV source provides the option to use ozon cleaning in the load lock.
Typical load lock base pressure is in the low 10-8 mbar range.
The evaporation chamber has 6 available source material pockets approximately 55cm from the sample holder. Evaporation is done with e-beam and recommended evaporation rates are up to 1 nm/sek. Rate control and film thickness are managed by a
standard piezo crystal thickness monitor.
Typical base pressure in the evaporation chamber is in the middle of 10-10 mbar range.
The high temperature stage can heat samples up to 1000 degrees celsius with recipe controlled ramp up and down. The oxidation chamber supports static oxidation as well as dynamic oxidation at selectable pressures.
Base pressure for the shared volume of the high temperature and oxidation stage is in the middle to low 10-9 mbar range.
Tool name:
Evaporator - Plassys UHV
Processlab 1
Thin film deposition
MEB 550 SL3 - UHV
Tool rate:
Low: 910 SEK
Medium: 1640 SEK
High: 2050 SEK


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