Welcome to Myfab LIMS - Nanofabrication Laboratory, MC2 Chalmers

Cleanroom Access

To gain access to the cleanroom you need to join in on a "Cleanroom Introduction course" session and a "Start-up meeting" session. The "Chemical Introduction Course" session is required if you want to use chemicals within the cleanroom areas.

Please apply for access* as soon as possible if you know you want to attend as the dates are tentative, if no users, or just a few, has applied for access then the session might be put on hold until next month.

Please sign up in LIMS ("apply for access") and you will be contacted 1 week before the session. You wont get access to LIMS until after the introduction course.

Upcoming course dates:

July: To be decided. No session. Next one will be after the summer vacation.

August: Introduction course on Wednesday 14th, 09:00-15:00 in Direktorn (D209). Chemical introduction will be Wednesday the 21st, 09:00-15:00. (More information will be sent out Monday the 12th, and not the week before as normal).

September: Introduction course on Wednesday 11th, 09:00-15:00 in Direktorn (D209). Chemical introduction will be Wednesday the 18th, 09:00-15:00.

October: Introduction course on Thursday 9th, 09:00-15:00 in Direktorn (D209). Chemical introduction will be Wednesday the 16th, 09:00-15:00.

November: Introduction course on Wednesday 13th, 09:00-15:00 in Direktorn (D209). Chemical introduction will be Wednesday the 20th, 09:00-15:00.

December: To be decided.

Find more information here

If you have technical problems or questions about Myfab LIMS please contact:
Peter Modh on 031-7721605 or by mail: peter.modh @ chalmers.se