Picture of X-ray photoemission spectroscopy – Scienta Omicron
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The X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is a surface analysis technique used for quantitative investigations of chemical composition. The system is equipped with Scienta-Omicron Argus CU multichannel electron energy analyzer matching demanding requirements for fast and trusted quantitative XPS, ease-of-use and reliability. The Argus hemispherical analyzer has superior sensitivity, new detection modes and allows for faster sample analysis when compared to channeltron based systems. Argus CU analyzer features snapshot XPS, high speed depth profiling, and rapid chemical state imaging. The standard non-monochromated twin-anode DAR400 X-ray source with Al Kα (1486.6 eV) and Mg Kα (1253.6 eV) is used for the excitation.

The XPS system is connected to the existing PLD-RHEED system (tool #11412) through a load-lock system that can also be used for loading of any samples up to 1 inch in size. Typical loading time is about 20 min. The base pressure in the XPS chamber is 1x10-10 mBar.

The system is also equipped with all necessary software to perform automated measurements and XPS data analysis.

Technical specifications:

Intensities and FWHM for Ag 3d5/2 photo electrons excited by 300 W Mg Kα (DAR 450), in high magnification mode:

Peak-width FWHM (eV)    Countrate

0.85                                     8 Mcps

1.00                                     30.0 Mcps

Tool name:
X-ray photoemission spectroscopy – Scienta Omicron
Processlab 2
Scienta-Omicron GmbH
Argus CU
Tool rate:
Low: 580 SEK
Medium: 1030 SEK
High: 1300 SEK


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